Twice a year, we host our User Club, inviting all of our customers to come together to share ideas, swap stories and embrace knowledge sharing together. We recently held our 14th edition, welcoming project managers and Elium ambassadors to spend the day with us. In the morning, we were treated to presentations from our customers based on our three main usage scenarios – market watch, communication and social intranet. In the afternoon we invited attendees to work together in table sessions, solving key issues for knowledge sharing in organisations.
We were joined by Charles Bonneau (Knowledge Manager) from EURA NOVA as our first speakers. EURA NOVA is a consulting company built within a private research and development centre, specialising in data processing. By valuing the development and sharing of knowledge internally, EURA NOVA offers its customers high value solutions, directly inspired by the latest technologies and the results of its research. Their objective with Elium is to provide employees with access to the company’s global knowledge.
EURA NOVA has been using Elium since its inception so they shared the reasons behind the sustainability of their initiative and the criteria for others to also achieve success. They have learnt over the years the importance of training employees in the tool, and communicating transparently the objectives and vision for the project to employees. This helps their employees work together to make it a success.
Our next speakers were Xavier De Launois (Chief Risk Officer) from D.A.S., leaders in the Belgian legal protection insurance market. They work to cover individuals and companies in the event of legal disputes. A little over a year ago, D.A.S. implemented our tool for their entire company. Elium is now at the heart of their strategy, and functions as a social intranet for their 250 employees.
With nearly 90% of their users active each month, they shared their success stories. Their usage centers around the sharing of multiple pieces of information and in particular cases, law & legal opinions. Spaces for monitoring also make it possible to capitalise on market, business and product developments.
We also invited speakers from one of our NGO customers, Close-the-gap, working on the Digital For Development (D4D) initiative led by the Belgian government. Their objective is to create an ecosystem which connects project leaders who have previously led digital initiatives in development. Julie De Bergeyck, consultant for Close-the-gap, presented her extensive use of Elium and shared the challenges she faced in bringing together people from very different backgrounds for the same cause. Her ambition is for the platform to become the knowledge centre and to stimulate co-creation and collaboration between all involved.
In the afternoon, we used the world café methodology to discuss key issues concerning knowledge sharing in organisations. This method of discussion uses collective intelligence in order to bring out concrete proposals from a group. It aims to reproduce the atmosphere around a workplace coffee machine, with a climate of trust, to allow exchanges between participants. The room was organised into tables, and participants were invited to come to a table to discuss, debate and create proposals together.
We addressed the questions below. Some of these questions yielded really valuable insights, so from what we discussed, we created blog posts. Take a look to learn more about these issues:
We’d like to thank everyone who joined us, we hope to see many of you again next time. If you’d like to hear more, why not join us for one of our Café Connect events, or interactive webinars. We’ll be demonstrating our platform and answering any questions you may have on knowledge sharing. Check the dates and register here.