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5 ways to use Elium

(Update September 2020) Elium is versatile software service that supports knowledge sharing and content distribution, both internally and with customers. Since its inception, the system has been developing along with

Lee Bryant interview – the importance of socialising knowledge

The MD of Postshift believes that companies have spent too much time and money on databases to store documents rather than developing the tools and behaviours necessary to spread knowledge.

Elium partners with Lift Conference

We are proudly announcing our partnership with the Lift Conference for the second year in a row. The conference will take place in Geneva,  February 10–12 2016  and its concept has

Smile London Conference

Being Platinum sponsor at the Smile London has given us many opportunities to present Knowledge Plaza, our social knowledge platform, our methodologies (such as the Knowledge Sharing Canvas) and our latest

Social Now

Elium at Social Now on April 20 & 21th Social Now gave us the opportunity to show how our platforms resolves a standard and scripted issue concocted by the organisers for all

Lift Conference

Recognised amongst the top 5 innovation and entrepreneurship events in Europe, Lift15 took place in Geneva on Feb 4-6 2015. In order to celebrate its 10th anniversary in style, Lift15 offered

Enterprise 2.0. – Knowledge Flow with Lee Bryant

With Lee Bryant We met Lee at a Social Business conference in London on the 25th of November, at the British Academy. This video is part of a long list

First meeting in Paris

If Paris is known as one of the most romantic towns for a first ‘rendez-vous’, the one I have been preparing while boarding on a Thalys, is not as appealing

Knowledge Plaza acquires HyperWeek

Elium (previously Knowledge Plaza), the pioneering enterprise social network dedicated to Social Knowledge Management, already well-established in France and Belgium is expanding its markets by acquiring the Swiss company HyperWeek.