We know it. Your team is in Slack most of the day. Messaging around key projects or organising quick video calls, this is where they get work done. They exchange massive amounts of information daily. And many of them are in fact pieces of relevant knowledge worth storing.

That’s why, over the past few months, we have been working on improving how Elium integrates with Slack. Because real-time communication is even better when knowledge exchanged is captured and reused. 

We are very proud to highlight these new features with you today. And happy to close the circle between instant communication and long-lasting available knowledge. Let’s see how: 

Make sure important updates are never forgotten in #channels

Yes, Slack is a great place to chat with colleagues and share important updates. And yes, you can find relevant information in #channels with the search functionality. 

But, to ensure that all relevant info is stored where it belongs (in your single source of truth), we are introducing Add to Elium

person using phone and laptop

This feature allows you to capture knowledge from Slack and push it to Elium at the tap of a button. You select the content to upload, give it a title, chose the destination Space and press Submit. 

And just like this a new Story was created, making your team’s life easier. How? Well, by ensuring that no valuable insight, reflection or information is left in the dark.

Put everyone on the same page and make new knowledge instantly visible

Sharing new knowledge in Elium is fast and easy.  And there are several options already to ensure your message reaches colleagues fast: Promoting the Story on the homepage of your platform,  Sharing it by email, or sending an Invitation to Read. 

But that’s not all. With the new Spread to Slack feature, pinging your team about new knowledge happens in mere seconds. The set-up only requires several minutes of your time and asks you to decide in which #channel you want to push updates from a specific Space

What then happens is that every new update published in Elium is also visible in Slack. And it is all automated. Your team will see a preview of the Story (author name, description, space where it is saved) and can react directly in Slack or open it and comment in Elium. As such, collaboration and internal communication get an instant boost.

These new features are inspired by customers who use Slack for internal communication. Now they have to make less effort to ensure their Knowledge base is up to date. Keeping everyone in the team on the same page was never easier. 

If you also use Slack but struggle with having a single place that centralises all company knowledge, then Elium might be the right choice for you. When we talk about company knowledge we refer to everything, from procedures to best practices and projects updates. Everything your team needs to know to deliver and work in a smart way.

Take it for a spin with a 14 days trial and see for yourself. 

Because in the end Elium and Slack work hand in hand to make your team focus on work that matters. 

See you VERY soon. We release new exciting features every month. 


Elium Team 

P.S. A big thanks to the #dev team at Slack for helping us make this happen. 🤝💪

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