Lee Bryant interview – the importance of socialising knowledge

The MD of Postshift believes that companies have spent too much time and money on databases to store documents rather than developing the tools and behaviours necessary to spread knowledge.

Elium partners with Lift Conference

We are proudly announcing our partnership with the Lift Conference for the second year in a row. The conference will take place in Geneva,  February 10–12 2016  and its concept has

Smile London Conference

Being Platinum sponsor at the Smile London has given us many opportunities to present Knowledge Plaza, our social knowledge platform, our methodologies (such as the Knowledge Sharing Canvas) and our latest

Knowledge Sharing Canvas

This might look like a football strategy map, but trust us, it isn’t! Albeit the experience might lead you to observe a few passes and tackles being shared amongst midfielders and forwards… Launching meaningful and

Future of work

Visionary and provocative (“the individual is the new group”), Stowe Boyd came to Amsterdam to shake Social Business vendors and urge them to move on beyond collaboration and embrace new

Working Web based

Hello Berlin! Giving workshops and real live demos is one thing (everybody knows the “demo effect”, right?) But giving all the above mentioned in German requires another set of skills…

6 Facts on Community Management

This article appeared on the Elium‘ Sphère. It was written by Hélène to provide a summary on the role of the community manager.  The article generated a lot of engagement.

Social Now

Elium at Social Now on April 20 & 21th Social Now gave us the opportunity to show how our platforms resolves a standard and scripted issue concocted by the organisers for all

Digital Transformation

Entering the CeBIT in Hannover means choosing between dozens of huge halls, big players competing with big, colourful and noisy stands. Everyone here tries to make sense of the digitisation of their

Knowledge Is …

Recognised amongst the top 5 innovation and entrepreneurship events in Europe, Lift15 took place in Geneva on Feb 4-6 2015. We engaged +100 people on this crazy analog setup and asked them to